Which means I will be trying to post here more often. I hope all had a good Christmas and New Years. Mine was short and sweet. Bad memories from last's break up made the holidays a little hard to bare. Depression struck when the ex called and wanted to meet up for coffee. It was tough, but I survived and I'm better off for it.
I will have pictures shortly. I currently have all 4 of my HAED charts on the go...I'm being ambitious in trying to have one completed for a Christmas present. I finished my knitting, just barely in time...only to start 2 days after the holidays I started knitting again for next year. I have a new toy!! I got myself a new notebook computer on Friday. I went into Circiut City for a new mouse and came out with a computer...so much for my debt diet. Oh well, I was starting to look for a new one anyway. Obviously with my new toy, I will be doing lots more online stuff...maybe start getting creative with my site here....I think I need to add some links and blinkies.
We will be moving very shortly. My friends have bought a house, apparently much smaller than this one. They have invited me to go with them, and I will for now. We'll see if there is room for me or if I will be moving back in with my folks shortly.
Well enough for now...I'll pull out my camera tomorrow and take some pics and post them shortly!!!